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Use with Vanilla

If you don't use React and other web frameworks, you can also install @fower/core and use Fower with the most primitive APIs.

npm install @fower/core @fower/preset-web

Basic Usage

import { fower, css } from '@fower/core'
import preset from '@fower/preset-web'


const className = css('p-20', 'mx-10', 'borderGray', 'text4XL')

const $app = document.getElementById('root')

$app.className = className

With custom style

import { css } from '@fower/core'

const className = css('p-20', 'mx-10', 'borderGray', 'text4XL', {
display: 'inline-block',
textShadow: '1px 1px 2px pink',

const $app = document.getElementById('root')

$app.className = className