Atomic CSS in JS
1<div toCenterY p3 w-240 bgWhite rounded2XL shadowMD>2<img circle-48 src="/img/logo.png" />3<div ml-10>4<h2 textLeft textXL fontBold>5Fower6</h2>7<span gray800>Atomic CSS in JS</span>8</div>9</div>
Atomic Props
Write styles with Atomic Props, rapid to develop complicated UI by composing Atomic Props.
Scoped style
Borned with scoped styles, So don't worry any conflicts due to the globalnamespace.
Type Safe
Perfect support for TypeScript, which bring Type definition,IntelliSense,Self documentation.
Less Code, Write faster
With Atomic Props and "Key as Value" pattern, You can develop UI with less code.
Less CSS, More JS
Fower is a CSS-in-JS solution, Most of the time you are writing JavaScript.
Not tied to any framework, Can use with React,Vue,React native etc.