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Fower itself is written in TypeScript, and Fower supports TypeScript perfectly.


When use with React, Fower can be used in three ways:

  • @fower/react component library
  • Babel Preset
  • JSX Pragma

@fower/react component library

When using the @fower/react component library, because the components it contains provide complete type definitions, you can directly get IntelliSense in the editor without any additional configuration.

import React from 'react'
import { Box } from '@fower/react'

export default () => {
return (
<Box toCenterY p-10 w-260 bgWhite rounded-10>
<Box as="img" circle-48 src="/img/jobs.jpg" />
<Box ml-10>
<Box textXL fontBold>
Steve Jobs
<Box as="span" gray800>
Co-founder of Apple Inc.

Babel Preset

Many people like the way Babel Preset. In order to get TypeScript IntelliSense, in addition to configuring the babel preset, you also need to add a type file in the project root directory, for example, we named it index.d.ts , the content is as follows:

import { AtomicProps } from '@fower/atomic-props';

declare module 'react' {
interface HTMLAttributes<T> extends AtomicProps {}

Then, you can get the complete IntelliSense in the component.

import React from 'react'

export default () => {
return (
<div toCenterY p-10 w-260 bgWhite rounded-10>
<img circle-48 src="/img/jobs.jpg" />
<div ml-10>
<h2 textXL fontBold>
Steve Jobs
<p gray800>Co-founder of Apple Inc.</p>

JSX Pragma

If you use the way of JSX Pragma, you need to add the /** @jsx jsx */ pragma at the top of each component file, so that you can get TypeScript IntelliSense.

/** @jsx jsx */
import { jsx } from '@fower/react'

export default () => {
return (
<div toCenterY p-10 w-260 bgWhite rounded-10>
<img circle-48 src="/img/jobs.jpg" />
<div ml-10>
<h2 textXL fontBold>
Steve Jobs
<p gray800>Co-founder of Apple Inc.</p>


To use Fower in React native, you only need to install the @fower/react-native component library. @fower/react-native is written in TypeScript, and the components it contains provide complete IntelliSense.

import React from 'react'
import { View, Text, Image } from '@fower/react-native'

export default () => {
return (
<View toCenterY p-10 w-260 bgWhite rounded-10>
<Image circle-48 src="/img/jobs.jpg" />
<View ml-10>
<View textXL fontBold>
Steve Jobs
<Text gray800>Co-founder of Apple Inc.</Text>